Kim Kilgariff: Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Gestalt, Microcurrent Therapy. Ever had back, neck or body pains, or been out of balance with any of the following: emotions, digestion, immune, adrenals, liver, sleep, periods? It’s frustrating...
Renata Tenta: Physiotherapist. Physiotherapist (APAM), Dorn Spinal Therapy, Acupuncture, Craniosacral, Shiatsu and Matrix Rhythm Therapy Renata Tenta has over 25 years of work experience and has been servicing the Northern Rivers area since 1996 as...
After the obligatory discussion re ailments I might have, the session began as a general Shiatsu treatment, which means working along the various meridians, stretching and kneading. This was done with clothes on, which seemed to work fine as he was...
I’d been spending inordinate amounts of time at my computer the last month, so my shoulders and back were in need of attention and they sure got it. It had been a long time since I had had a massage from a man, and the strength of his hands was...