Kim Kilgariff: Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Gestalt, Microcurrent Therapy.
Ever had back, neck or body pains, or been out of balance with any of the following: emotions, digestion, immune, adrenals, liver, sleep, periods? It’s frustrating feeling low, where do you start?
I know how difficult it is finding the best therapist who’ll treat the cause of your problem so your pain, and problems won’t return… so I have developed a unique way of facilitating healing.
It’s so effective, I get accused of performing miracles weekly… Seems to work for just about everybody, eliminating all forms of pain, detoxifying, and boosting energy.
Special: 1 Free interview/week.
Call Kim Kilgariff, House of Wellbeing in Byron Bay, 6685 8538.
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