Dr Alli Ehmann (B.HSc. Chinese Medicine) Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Placenta Encapsulation.
Chinese Medicine restores the body’s natural physiology to achieve and maintain good health.
Alli is a fully qualified and registered practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.
Alli is one of only 60 Chinese medicine practitioners to specialise in the use of Canonical Chinese Medicine in Australia.
This training has increased the efficiency of treatments for conditions such as pain management, women’s health, digestive and mental health.
Alli is passionate about helping people to live happier and healthier lives and provides a dedicated health support system for every age by gaining and maintaining a healthy, disease free body.
Phone 0421 515 601. www.northernriverschinesemedicine.com.au
Health fund rebates available
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