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Screen addiction as electronic cocaine and digital heroin

An article by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies published in the New York Post in August 2016 discusses screen addiction as electronic cocaine and digital heroin and talks about kids...

Supporting kids health before conception

In an article published on the Australian ABC website a study was reported that indicated that we need to be supporting our kids health before conception via the mother's diet in order to reduce future cancer and developmental...

11 Steps to a better brain – paying attention

11 Steps to a better brain - paying attention 11 Steps to a better brain - paying attention You can be smart, well-read, creative and knowledgeable, but none of it is any use if your mind isn’t on the job. Paying attention is a complex mental...

11 steps to a better brain – the body

11 steps to a better brain for the other 10 steps Physical exercise can boost the brain as well as the physical functioning. It’s a dream come true for those who have trouble...

11 steps to a better brain – sleep

11 steps to a better brain - sleep, not sleeping is bad your brain. Planning, problem-solving, learning, concentration, working memory, alertness all... social issues articles

Links To Social Issue Articles

The following is a list of links to various articles relating to the various social issues of our times that have been selected from other websites. Please feel free to email links to any articles you have come across you think might be of interest...

Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellation

In April 2000, I travelled to London to participate in a compelling teaching seminar on Family Systems Therapy. It was led by the internationally acclaimed German psychotherapist and author Bert Hellinger. Somehow that experience has changed the way... social issues articles

Where Is The Virtual World Taking Us?

Mark O’Brien reflects upon the trend towards poor behaviour in our daily life and our public discourse and asks where is the virtual world taking... social issues articles

How To Stop Kids Killing Themselves

An article published on the ABC site 13/2/2012 All gore: an inconvenient truth suggests that kids need to confronted with more gore so they can learn that they are fallable and that actions can...

A way around kids’ tantrums

We all know that exercising can change your mood, make you feel better, and that different exercise does different things. Runners, swimmers, game players, all do different types of activity and have a different psychology also, and usually they...