Chemicals Destroying Male Fertility
According to a report released on 2009 by the UK non profit CHEM Trust hormone disrupting chemicals that are found in everyday consumer products are destroying male reproductive health.
An ever increasing number of chemicals found in plastics, cosmetics, cleaning products and in some food, are found to be endocrine disruptors, simulating oestrogen.
The rising incidence of Testicular Dysgenisis Syndrome (TDS) has, according to study author Richard Sharpe of the UK Medical Research Council, is at least partly due to long term exposure to a wide variety of chemicals.
Exposure to these chemicals can lead to a feminisation of male children, even in the womb, by blocking the activity of testosterone.
TDS refers to disorders of the male reproductive system, and includes malformed penises, testicular cancers and reduced sperm counts.
“Because it is the summation of effect of hormone-disrupting chemicals that is critical, and the number of such chemicals that humans are exposed to is considerable, this provides the strongest possible incentive to minimise human exposure to all relevant hormone disruptors, especially women planning pregnancy, as it is obvious that the higher the exposure the greater the risk,” Sharpe said.
“Chemicals that have been shown to act together to affect male reproductive health should have their risks assessed together,” said Elizabeth Salter Green of the CHEM Trust.
“Currently that is not the case, and unfortunately chemicals are looked at on an individual basis. Therefore, government assurances that exposures are too low to have any effect just do not hold water because regulators do not take into account the additive actions of hormone disrupting chemicals.”
Taken from Chemical Cocktail in Consumer Products Destroys Male Fertility, 23/9/09 by David Gutierrez, published at
Parent groups have also been concerned over the last 10 years with the reduction of the average age at which girls hit puberty with its accompanying social changes, with some girls menstruating at ages 8 and 9.
This is normally the age at which girls first form friendships, where bonding with girls outside of family occurs, a phase that is skipped if girls mature too quickly, as puberty also brings on competition between girls which can make girls feel alienated from their circle.
There appears to be consensus growing that this accelerated hormonal growth of girls is due to hormones in food, especially chicken, and also environmental chemicals.
This article address the impact of these estrogen-mimicking chemicals on boys, yet surely these chemicals must also be impacting equally on girls, manifesting in early onset of puberty and its associated issues, plus the breast cancer epidemic rife throughout the world.
An article which appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, US girls hitting puberty younger: study refers a study recently released on the US journal, Pediatrics in which researches found that 23% of black girls, 155 of Hispanic and 10% of white girls started develop breasts by the age of 7.
Theses results are a marked increase on the same research published in 1997, almost double. Roughly 60% of these girls had pubic hair at seven also.
The story refers to the negative impacts of early onset of puberty amongst girls including an increased risk of breast or endometrial cancer later in life, and psychological troubles ranging from low self-esteem and eating problems to depression and suicide.
The study, led by Frank Biro of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s adolescent medicine division, also said girls who hit puberty young are “more likely to be influenced by deviant peers” and become sexually active earlier.
The story then goes on to state that causes this early puberty is not understood (!!) Rubbish.
It is simply because the answers are too hard to deal with, that there are too many vested interests in the plastics industry, in the processed foods industry, in the chicken and other livestock industries.
It beggars belief that these researchers are not aware of the estrogen mimicking roles of plastics and the increased consumption of hormones in food and yet have not made the connection. It is, as said above, it is just too hard.
By Mark O’Brien
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