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Nothing but the tooth

The truth excites me. Yet the more I thought and talked about it the more confused I became. I found that I knew nothing about truth. I could write pages on what truth...

Making Sense Of This Place

Our childhood landscape carries our history. It is our inner sense of where we belong reflected in an external world. How much of that place where we grew up (for better or worse) influences our idea of place and where we choose to live as...

It’s Easy To Listen To A Scotsman

Not just to the people I find interesting and passionate about ‘their thing’, or people with a Scottish accent who can say anything and my attention will remain focused but really listening to people’s...

Ordinary Life

How do you stay in touch with the opening and powerful experiences that can occur in workshop situations or during a session? How do you integrate this experience into ordinary daily life? I believe that these are important and valuable questions to...


The Collins dictionary defines love as "to have great affection for; feel sexual passion for; enjoy something very much". I would venture to say if I asked 200 people, I would have 200 different definitions. Love is probably the most talked about,...

Martial arts: a foundation for life

Martial arts can be one of the best things a child could do to prepare him or herself for life. Rather than an end unto itself, it provides a strong and supportive foundation for children as they move into other aspects of their lives, be it other...