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Food and Nutrition

Fat Locked Toxins

As a clinician who specialises in detoxification I have employed over the last 11 years the use of various methods to detoxify the body. The addition to the clinic of live blood analysis as a tool to identify what needs to be addressed has been...

Pesticides And ADHD Link

A study published in May 2010 in the US Journal Pediatrics, shows that children exposed to pesticides found in commercially grown fruit and veggies, in particular organophosphates (an ingredient in Monsanto's notorious RoundUp) were more likely to...

Chemicals Producing Fat People?

Is it possible that some people being fat may have less to do with overeating and lack of exercise than we have been lead to believe, and more to do with the various chemicals they consume in their...

Stomach bacteria and your health

Many theories have emerged about stomach bacteria and your health with modern-day hygiene actually reducing the strength of our immune systems because we are not exposed to so many bugs...

Coeliac or non-coeliac gluten intolerance?

Coeliac disease, (also called non-tropical spru, gluten sensitive enteropathy, or celiac spru) is a condition that involves an inability to digest gluten. Gluten is a tough elastic protein found in the glutinous grains such as wheat, rye, barley,...