15 foods to boost your metabolism

15 foods to boost your metabolism

As society in general becomes more sedentary so does the issue of keeping our metabolism rate high enough to digest what we eat. Following is a list of some great foods that work for you.

 Grapefruit lowers the insulin levels in your body that trigger your system to store fat and is rich in fibre which your body must burn extra calories in order to break down.

 Green Tea is the main source of epigallocatechin gallate, known better as EGCG which speeds up your brain and nervous system.

 Yogurt contains high levels of protein which require a lot of energy to be processed. The pro-biotic cultures found in yogurt also help regulate your digestive tract.

 Almonds essential fatty acids help raise your body’s metabolism. Be moderate though they’re also very high in calories.

 Coffee has caffeine which accelerates your metabolism

 Turkey builds lean muscle tissue causing your body to burn extra calories.

 Apples are high in fibre, which your body must burn calories to break down.

 Apples also give you the feeling of being full for longer so helping you to eat less.

 Spinach can help make you strong and healthy and is a great source of antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin C.

 Beans are low in fat and packed with protein, beans keep you full for long durations, and require extra calories to process.

 Jalapenos contain capcaisin which causes your body to burn extra calories for hours after eating.

 Broccoli contains a highly effective metabolism-boosting team of nutrients: calcium and vitamin C. Calcium acts as a metabolic trigger, while vitamin C helps your body absorb more calcium.

 Oatmeal lowers your body’s insulin level and speeds up your metabolism as a result.

 Soy milk soy milk is loaded with calcium, boosting your metabolism.

 Curry, like jalapenos, increases the amount of calories your body burns and speeds up your metabolism.

 Cinnamon adds some zing to your daily cup of tea and helps your body metabolise sugars more effectively and maintain steadier blood sugar levels and can also help lower your cholesterol.

 Whey protein is perhaps the best thing for your metabolism since sliced bread! It comes in powder form and is made from cows milk and is a complete high quality protein which is great for increasing your metabolism.

 Berries are full of antioxidants and are one of the most important health foods to eat for a healthy lifestyle and a strong metabolism.

 Cayenne pepper heats up your body so when your body has to cool itself down it burns calories.

Summarised by Mark O’Brien for byronbodyandsoul.com from an article 15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism by Tina McCarthy

For more information, check out these articles at My Fit and Fitness Tips for Life.

See also Boost Metabolism Diet: How to boost your metabolism during the day with this meal plan/diet

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