Swedish massage
The Swedish massage session began with the usual chat, with the therapist asking me what I intended for the session, what I wanted to get from it, and any physical ailments I might have. Then it was up onto the table.
He did a brief dedication for the session, invoking healing energies and whatever may be ‘out there’ to assist in the session.
Once he started working I instantly appreciated the strength of a man’s hands, usually receiving massages from women as I do.
He worked mainly on the back of my body, spending ages on my legs, upper and lower back and hips, over and over with deep strong assured strokes.
There is something easy about this kind of massage, not too much work, nothing complicated, no wondering what was going on as my muscles turned to jelly under his hands.
He did some really good things on my neck, which I really liked, and I had a new appreciation of the uniqueness of the history and experience of people who have done bodywork for a long time.
I found that when he did go deeply into my muscles as I had invited him to, he really went deep, and I was able to relax and allow the letting go and releasing that was needed.
The it was ‘roll over’ time, and he worked for a short time on my chest and arms, and did some unique things with my feet which I also liked.
When it was time to get up, I rued the fact that I had arrived late and had to vacate the room sooner than I would normally have liked.
At the time when he would normally be doing some Reiki, to allow the energy to settle and align, time was up.
I found myself super relaxed as I left, wondering out as I did into one of those rainstorms that have been happening lately.
I could easily have laid there for ages, or just snuggled up by a fire somewhere.
Written by Mark O’Brien for the “Session of the Month’, Here & Now magazine 1999-2005
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