The future of Food farms

Microorganisms To Save The Planet?

When we envision a planet that is healthy and chemical free we are labelled (if we express the our vision that is) impractical utopian dreamers.

One of the things that might actually help us to achieve such a planet is Effective Microorganisms (EM).

Discovered in 1980 by Japanese horticultural professor Dr. Teruo Higa who had been exploring the regenerative power of microoganisms in agriculture.

He honed a brew called Effective Microorganisms that contained 80 safe microoganisms including food fermenters such as yeast, fermenting fungi, actinomycetes, photosynthetic and lactic acid bacteria.

Not only did this brew regenerate soil and boost crops, it also functioned as an  amazing water purifier, chemical-free cleaner, quick composter, deodoriser, preservative, health boosting antioxidant and probiotic.

The brown liquid blend free from genetically modified material is now used to nurture healthy homoeostasis within one’s inner and outer environment.

Effective Microorganisms use escalated in Japan as an affordable and effective alternative to chemicals, and today is used in 120 countries as a low cost, sustainable agricultural aid, water and sewerage purifier, deodoriser, cleanser and health tonic.

It appears that a combination of microoganisms works better than individual ones.

Effective Microorganisms‘s unique formula inhibits malevolent molecules and promotes beneficial bugs, enzymes, nutrients and proteins.

This enhances regeneration and reduces degeneration to the degree that it was used in the Hurricane Katrina aftermath to halt the spread of disease and odours.

EM’s phototrophic bacteria degrade harmful substances and release healthy organic complexes such as antioxidants. The same lactic acid used in yoghurt sterilises pathogens and decomposes organic matter.

Fermenting fungi and yeasts secrete B vitamins, nourishing plant growth with phyto-nutrients that suppress odours and putrefaction.

Effective Microorganisms‘s actinomycetes produce anti-microbial substances that suppress harmful microbes. The three groups synergistically form a foundation on which beneficial life thrives.

Effective Microorganisms intelligently enhances ecological harmony, adapting to each circumstance rather than being an indiscriminant antibiotic, antifungal, herbicide or insecticide.

It trigger’s nature’s innate balancing mechanism to re-establish equilibrium in a sustainable way.

Dr Higa also attributes Effective Microorganisms‘s efficacy to the positive wave resonance it releases promoting substance and energy field unity.

This is clearly evident from the food and flowers produced with EM as their colour and form far outshines those conventionally cultivated.

Today there are dozens of household products incorporating Effective Microorganisms, such as toiletries, salt, house paint, clothes, glass stone, ceramics, fertilisers, cleaners, insect repellants; the list goes on.

Household compost treatment buckets are available from your local health food store that are odourless (suitable for apartments as well as detached houses with gardens) and turn your food scraps, even meat, into garden food.

Summarised from The EM Eco-Revolution by Caroline Robertson. To learn more of this fascinating work, visit

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