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Beware Swine flu vaccinations

Beware Swine flu vaccinations - if a million people are vaccinated, up to 10,000 people will have severe side effects while 500,000 will have some...

The Future of Food, a review

The Future of Food is a brilliant discussion of genetically engineered food. We travel from the vast plains of the US to Canada, to Percy Schmeiser who Monsanto took to court (and won!) because some Monsanto GE corn seed had blown off the back of a...

Stomach bacteria and your health

Many theories have emerged about stomach bacteria and your health with modern-day hygiene actually reducing the strength of our immune systems because we are not exposed to so many bugs...

Coeliac or non-coeliac gluten intolerance?

Coeliac disease, (also called non-tropical spru, gluten sensitive enteropathy, or celiac spru) is a condition that involves an inability to digest gluten. Gluten is a tough elastic protein found in the glutinous grains such as wheat, rye, barley,...

Allergy or intolerance?

Over the years many people have come to me wondering if they have an allergy or intolerance to food(s) that may be causing their symptoms. Symptoms that are often many and varied, such as headaches, rashes, runny nose, skin complaints, bloating and...