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Collective Intelligence

As we explore ways to generate more effective groups, organisations, institutions, and other human systems, it may help to begin by taking a closer look at collective...

A session with my osteopath

“He’s worked with abuse survivors, he knows about kundalini and he says he thinks he can help you.” It was such a relief to hear my psychologist’s words. We both felt I had been stuck for too long - body memories, energy snaking up my spine,...

The New Biology, are we ready?

As most of us realise, many of the institutions that define our society are breaking down. Authors Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman, in their new book, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here, say that today's...

Sleep Problems Associated With IPhones

Recently some research institutions have been studying sleep problems associated with iPhones, and the results point to yet another example where our addiction to technology is having disturbing...

Nanoparticles In Vaccines?

A recent article published on describes how H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines approved by the relevant government authorities In Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles. Vaccine manufacturers have been experimenting with...

Matrix-Style Learning Possible?

When, years ago, I watched the movie The Matrix for the first of many times, I really loved the way the characters were able to 'learn' martial arts and how to fly helicopters and other difficult disciplines in the virtual 'real world' simply by...

Kinesiology, a clients perspective: Jack

Jack is a 41-year-old real estate agent who has kinesiology sessions to heal his glandular fever and recurring gout attacks. An interview by Dr Anna...

Kinesiology, a clients perspective: Doris

Doris is a 44-year-old music teacher who had kinesiology sessions to help heal a broken arm and improve her asthma. An interview about Kinesiology by Dr Anna...

Kinesiology, a clients perspective: Barbara

Barbara is a 32-year-old artist who had consulted a kinesiologist for different health problems over the years. This is an interview from Kinesiology, a clients perspective, by Dr Anna...

Ordinary Life

How do you stay in touch with the opening and powerful experiences that can occur in workshop situations or during a session? How do you integrate this experience into ordinary daily life? I believe that these are important and valuable questions to...