Mark’s news digest Feb 20, 2021 from Mark O’Brien
Facebook and Media stories
A bad day for News Corp, Rudd and the enquiry into media ownership
Facebook is gambling Australia can’t live without it. Imagine if we prove them wrong from Lenore Taylor
If you’re in Australia and Facebook has eaten your newsfeed, where do you go now?
Australian politics
Morrison Scott No Beef With Slavery: If Your History Hurts, Just Rebrand It!
The scandals he (scomo) walks past
Paul Bongiorno, Notes on a Coalition scandal
The Brittany Higgins story
Brittany Higgins’ shocking story must be a turning point. Women in politics have had enough from Katharine Murphy
Brittany Higgins’s rape allegations speak to basic questions of accountability in politics
Furore over the government’s handling of rape allegations; plus Facebook’s news ban – Radio interview
‘I was a staffer, and so was my perpetrator’
Brittany Higgins raised her voice loudly — and she can’t be the only one who does
General interest
These three lessons from history could help us understand our digital future
Environment and health news
Bee deaths spark investigation after traces of chemical Fipronil found in hives
Trevor St Baker says Collinsville coal plant would need shielding from climate policy change
US politics
Mark’s News Digest by Mark O’Brien is created in response to Facebook shutting down its news feeds
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