Mark’s news digest, 21 Feb, 2021

Covid news

‘I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but…’ US health workers’ vaccine hesitancy raises alarm – January article

Melbourne anti-vaxxers arrested as hundreds rally in Australian capital cities – no mention in article why these people were arrested

Lifting standards in quarantine – (Behind paywall, recommend digital or hard copy subscription)

Media and Facebook

Kevin Rudd says Australian politicians ‘frightened’ of ‘Murdoch media beast’ in Senate inquiry

The question every politician should be asking is, what does Mark Zuckerberg want with us?

General news

‘Something bit my butt’: Alaska woman using outhouse attacked by bear

Sacha Baron Cohen: ‘If you’re protesting against racism, you’re going to upset some racists’ Includes a must view clip of ‘Who is America!’

Health and wellbeing

Power makes people ‘more likely to lie, to cheat, to swear’ at work, experts say

The wellbeing movement bringing tradies to tears – the Wim Hof Method


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