In this web site you will learn ways to dramatically increase your energy, take more control of your body and mind, and profoundly deepen your understanding of raw...
The purpose of The Art of Healing magazine is to inform and educate readers about health and healing alternatives. Our aim is to deliver reliable information on how to attain and sustain wellness, using the most natural means possible and...
Santos Organics is passionately committed to the health and well-being of individuals, communities and the planet. In line with this commitment our vision is to make organic, wholesome, ethical food accessible to as many people as...
The Crystal Castle welcomes groups of 10 or more and we ask that you book one week ahead of your visit through the Office on (02) 6684 3111 ext. 5 Groups are welcome during regular trading periods excluding School & Public Holidays. We ask for...
Founded by Oriel Paterson in 1999, Henna Harem has flourished into a dedicated, creative team of professional henna artists spanning Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane, offering all natural, meaningful body adornment to Festivals, Market Days,...
To practice as a homoeopath is an enormously rewarding but challenging profession. I provide a holistic approach to health care, working to achieve a deep assessment of the overall health status of my clients. I then find the homoeopathic remedy...
In these pages you will find information about my holistic healing work based in advanced diplomas in Psychotherapy, Counselling and Healing and also in Spiritual Healing. My training is accredited by the Australian Holistic Healers’...
I have been involved in the massage industry since 1984 when I completed my Diploma in Remedial Massage in Germany. I have studied different techniques like Rebalancing, Psychic massage, Ayurvedic Yoga massage, Trager etc. with excellent teachers in...
Kahuna Bodywork has been brought to the Western World by (Kahu) Abraham Kawai’i, Kahuna (Kanaka Maoli). The teaching is preserved and taught in Australia at the Australian College of Kahuna Sciences in its original...
Kirsten’s emphasis is on providing you with comprehensive, current information and education about your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and...