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Inner Questioning

A good time for gross national happiness

Happiness is a fundamental human quest and may be understood as a state of physical and emotional well-being and inner contentment, founded on principles of sociality and of not harming other sentient beings or the environment. Happiness is not a...

Is Byron Bay A Myth Or A Strawberry?

That day in the Bay I hadn’t bumped into anyone I knew. It was busy and bustling with the faces of strangers, no one said hello....

The biology of enlightenment

The "near-death experience" that U.G. Krishnamurti had during a lecture in Madras in 1953 was to lead him up to the "final death" and awakening into the Natural State in 1967. It seems, the near-death experience is, almost as a rule, a necessary...

Relating As A Window To The Soul

Our relating stories are perhaps the richest arena there is for teaching us about life and ourselves. Whatever unresolved issues we have lurking in our emotional closets will come to the surface – not just with a lover, also with friends and...

Ordinary Life

How do you stay in touch with the opening and powerful experiences that can occur in workshop situations or during a session? How do you integrate this experience into ordinary daily life? I believe that these are important and valuable questions to...