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Inner Questioning

The Courage To Trust

Finding the courage to trust. What does that mean? When we say we trust someone, or we ask to be trusted, what exactly are we saying? Osho spoke often about trust, and of course he managed to say diametrically opposed things, or at least that is...

The car as a metaphor for life

My car is sending me messages, or it was until it died. In my haste to ‘do’ I seriously neglected my mode of transport. I drove to meetings, appointments and other ‘important’ places and failed to put oil and water into the little engine of...

The Awakening

A time comes in your life when you finally get it - when in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks, and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out -...

Stories, Stories Stories

Where would we be without our stories? In silence perhaps, in boredom? Now and again I find myself lost in stories, stories about this one or that, what is happening and what isn’t, getting involved in stuff that is none of my business. It is... social issues articles

Sexual Violence – Not Just About Men

I have been thinking recently about male sexuality and how it seems to have become one of the unmanageable things in our society. The papers are full of assault, rape, men spiking drinks, child pornography, paedophilia, wanking in the sand dunes......

Nothing but the tooth

The truth excites me. Yet the more I thought and talked about it the more confused I became. I found that I knew nothing about truth. I could write pages on what truth...

Making Sense Of This Place

Our childhood landscape carries our history. It is our inner sense of where we belong reflected in an external world. How much of that place where we grew up (for better or worse) influences our idea of place and where we choose to live as...

Love sets us free

Whether someone admits it or not doesn’t matter, I think everyone wants to be touched — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Everyone wants to be loved. To be heard. To feel special. People want to be swept off their feet — erotically... social issues articles

Lies And Our Relationship To Truth

There is a lot of attention right now on the COW governments lying to We the People, probably with intention to mislead. In some circles there is also dismay (and cynicism) at the ability (and sometimes apparent eagerness) of We the People to be...

Letting Go

Letting go. How the f**k is one supposed to let go? So many times over the last few months I’ve heard “Mark, you must let go! You’ll get everything you desire (!) if you’ll just let go!”. “But I’m not good at letting go” I reply....