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Happiness Linked To A Healthy Heart

In a study titled Happy genes set you up for life, published in the European Heart Journal scientists discovered that happy people have healthier hearts and are less likely to have heart...

GE Science Deconstructed

Over the past 2-3 years Gates has teemed up with Monsanto to bring the 'Green Revolution', (GE crops and seeds) so effective (at creating debt traps but not so efective at increasing yields or farmer wealth) in India, to the teeming starving masses...

GE Food Unhealthy

Secret research from Monsanto about their research on the affect of GE corn upon rats that came to light in 2005 reveals serious problems with GE corn. Rats fed on a diet rich in GE corn had smaller kidneys and variations in the composition of their...

Food As Aphrodisiac

Much has been said, particularly in the corporate driven media, about boosting sex drive and attractiveness with drugs like viagra, but it may be that, as well as the usual 'diet and exercise, no smoking and minimal alcohol' regimes that build our...

Fast Food Linked To Alzheimers

Research published in November 08 by researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institute shows how a diet rich in sugar, cholestorol and fat increases the risk of Alzheimers in mice and could do the same in...

Essential Fatty Acids

In my naturopathic clinic one of the most widely prescribed supplements is the essential fatty acids — fish oils, vitamin E and evening primrose oil. Because essential fatty acids deficiencies are commonly observed during client consultations or a...

Enviro Chemicals And Obesity Link

Is the obesity epidemic something more than mass gluttony, or mass brainwashing? What if alterations in people's DNA caused by environmental toxins was responsible? Chemicals called obesogens, found in everyday things like our cars, our homes and...

Eat To Lose Weight?

In our modern Western society it is quite common for people to be overweight with all the ramifications upon general health that this entails. We just love to eat. It seems, though, that it is not so much a matter of not eating to reduce weight, but...

Doctors Warning: Stay Away From GE Food

On May 19th 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on doctors to educate their patients and the general community to avoid GE foods when...

Dirty Secrets Of The Food Processing Industry 2

Dirty Secrets Of The Food Processing Industry Since the end of World War 2 there has been a population explosion, and there has also been an explosion of industrialised food, where synthetic ingredients that can be standardised have replaced...