Siski Martin: Earth Touch Bodywork — Deep Healing, Remedial Massage and Bodywork.
Sore lower back?
Pain in the neck?
Injuries that no-one seems to know what to do with?
For pain-free release and resolution call Siski!
Ortho-Bionomy is an osteopathic-based, safe and extremely effective system of bodywork and natural healing which goes beyond a massage in that it re-organises the bones and muscles into alignment, working the whole structure of the body and restoring wellbeing.
Siski’s lifetime of dance experience gives her a profound, intuitive knowledge of the freely moving body.
Siski also co-ordinates Ortho-Bionomy trainings in the Northern Rivers.
Enquiries/ bookings for sessions or Ortho-Bionomy classes call Siski Martin, 6685 3464, 0403 264 146.
(B.Sp.Thy; Dip.Rem.Mass; P.I.T.Ortho-Bionomy)
Siski Martin: Earth Touch Bodywork, in the Byron Bay area
This is not osteopathic practice. To learn osteopathic techniques takes 5 years of university, 3 years undergraduate and 2 years masters which does not involve ‘ortho-bionomy’. Osteopaths are nationally registered allied health professionals and one of the ten registered health professions in every state and territory of Australia. A person who is not a registered osteopath must not hold himself or herself out, or allow himself or herself to be held out, as being an osteopath. This is considered a federal offence. This government protection also includes the term ‘osteopathic’. The legislation can be viewed at
To find a qualified osteopath go to this webpage
Reply from Ed
Thanks you for your note. Siski says ‘osteopathy-based’ which is different than saying it is osteopathy. Regardless, Siski is currently in 3rd year of her osteopathy study.