
Vaccine Autism Link Proved In Monkeys

By Mark O’Brien

A study at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania showed that many monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines developed autism and autism spectrum symptoms.

The findings of the study, first published in a Research Paper in Acta Neurobiological Experimentals in 2010 showed that young macaque monkeys given the typical CDC (US Centre for Disease Control)-recommended vaccination schedule from the 1990s, and in appropriate doses for the monkeys’ sizes and ages, tended to develop autism symptoms

Their unvaccinated counterparts developed no such symptoms.

Also the monkeys were subject to to both MRI and PET scans at specific times within vaccination schedule.

What was also shown in this study that the vaccinated monkeys’ GI tracts were severely compromised.

This research flies in the face of all the government and pharmaceutical company assurances that those pushing the vaccine-autism link were somehow Luddites who want to put children’s lives at risk.

Perhaps the best quote regarding the monkey study came from Scott Bono, the National Autism Association chairman:

“To date, the CDC has conducted no safety testing on the possible harmful effects of simultaneously administering multiple vaccines to infants, and has steadfastly refused to state a preference for mercury-free vaccines to be given to children and pregnant women.  

It’s time for HHS and Congress to step in and take vaccine safety away from the CDC.”  

There is a massive ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) epidemic which is at forefront of the minds of those leading the charge to have vaccines tested for safety, to have vaccine manufacturers subject to the same safety checks as everyone else.

In the US in the 1990s, one in 5,000 kids were diagnosed with ASD. By March 22, 2012, this hab blown out to one in 88, along with one in six kids having developmental disabilities.

Published May 9, 2012, Summarised by Mark O’Brien for

See also Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University of Pittsburgh Vaccine Study 

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