Sacred spiritual sexuality

Sacred Spiritual Sexuality

By Mukee Okan Breezes Love

What does Sacred Spiritual Sexuality have to do with me?

Sex, spirit, sacredness, the divine.
 How does it feel to you to put those words together with sex?

Sex, sexuality – is your lust for living, your juiciness, your passion for whatever you do everyday.

It is your creativity, your beauty, your enthusiasm. It is how you express your divine life force – chuluaqui, ki, chi, prana – pure white light orgastic energy.

Sex? Is it more than having an orgasm? 
Sexuality is part of being alive and healthy.

It can be an ultimate expression of intimacy and connection. Some of you were fortunate enough to be surrounded by a healthy appreciation of the natural beauty of sexuality.

The Sweet Medicine SunDance path teaches that the elements of creation are the building blocks for humans. It is essential to have balance in all five elements to live a harmonious and healthy life full of hope and happiness.

For us, the void is our sexuality, our life-force energy; the air is our mind; the fire is our spirit; the water is our emotions, or energy-in-motion and the earth is our physical body.

Imagine a circle and in the centre sits the void, the black hole of creation.

It is from within the feminine space of the void seeded by the masculine spark where all forms of all things are birthed. Implosion/explosion; inhale/exhale. The void is the catalyst in creation and for you and me.

It is your sexual life force energy that makes the cake rise. It fuels everything you and I do.

The spiritual sexuality teachings of the Sweet Medicine path are known as Chuluaqui Quodoushka.

“Chuluaqui” is the primordial life force energy, the infinite diversity and abundance of the universe from which everything is created.

“Quodoushka” is the merging of two energy fields. A third energy is created that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Originating from ancient schools of learning in Turtle Island- North, South and Central America, they have been preserved through thousands of years of oral tradition known as the “Twisted Hairs”.

We are born to experience pleasure, to know ourselves as sensual, sexual human beings.

Ancient wisdom reminds us that sexual pleasure is both a natural and essential part of human experience. The ancient Turtle Island cultures understood the value of conscious sexual expression.

They knew that rather than being at odds with our spiritual nature, our sexual nature plays a vital role in our overall well-being.

To be whole means to be both spiritual and sexual. Sacred spiritual sexuality is the secret to living longer, maintaining and restoring youthful vigour.

Chuluaqui Quodoushka teachings traditionally began at Rites of Passage time, for young men and women who had begun ejaculating and menstruating.

This marked the beginning of the sharing of knowledge about sexuality, as a natural and sacred experience.

In 1975 the Chuluaqui Quodoushka teachings were opened to the public by Swift Deer, a descendant of Cherokee and Irish parents.

As a Twisted Hair Lineage Elder and nagual within the Sweet Medicine SunDance path, Swift Deer was guided at a young age by his grandmother, Spotted Fawn, a Cherokee medicine woman.

Within the Chuluaqui Quodoushka intensives, some of the knowledge shared is –

 the purpose of orgasm, different levels and types of orgasm for greater health and pleasure
 the importance of balance in giving and receiving to continually increase energy
 how to enhance honest communication for greater intimacy with self and others
 the art of sensual touching to expand your capacity to receive intimate sexual pleasure.

The mind is your biggest sexual organ and you can use the mind to either shut yourself down or to turn yourself on.

If you are continuously out of your body and constantly in past reference or projecting into the future, there is not much chance to be at home in your body, to enjoy the now.

Removal of the blocks of fear, guilt, shame, doubt, insecurity, judgements, expectations, comparisons are key to expressing fully your unique gifts and talents in the world.

One of the most important aspects in enhancing your sexuality is the overall health and state of your physical body. Sexual sensitivity, awareness, arousal, desire all takes place inside your body.

Nurture your sacred body temple, make friends with it. Choose a healthy diet, regular physical activity that you enjoy, relaxation time and also create time for sexual expression.

Our destiny is to evolve, learn and grow. To continue to educate and heal yourself in the sexual arena contributes to greater happiness, creativity, abundance and pleasure in all areas of your life!
 Walk in Beauty

About Mukee Okan
Originally from Australia, Mukee is an artist, sexual surrogate partner therapist and Quodoushka sacred sexuality teacher. She has immersed herself in traditional Tantric practises since 1984.
Mukee is an apprentice of the Sweet Medicine SunDance teachings.
She currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
For more information email

For more info about  Chuluaqui Quodoushka visit their website.
Thanks also to Chuluaqui Quodoushka for the use of their image on this page.

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