Kinesiology, a clients perspective: Susan

This interview is part of a series of interviews by Dr Anna Rolfes as part of her article Kinesiology, a clients perspective.

Susan is a 34-year-old teacher who had re-ocurring headaches for which she sought help through kinesiology.

Anna: Susan, you have experienced muscle testing. Can you recall a session and perhaps tells us about how you felt?

Susan: Well, probably the first sort of reaction was that my heart started beating really quickly and I had no control over that.

P (Her kinesiology therapist) was sort of going back in time with me to the time when I was being born. My heart was just beating really quickly and then I just burst into tears and I didn’t know why.

It was just a feeling I had no control over, something that had been locked away. Something that I didn’t know what it was. 

Anna: Right. So did you feel what she was doing with your muscles? The muscle testing, could you feel that? 

Susan: Yes. Once again I had no control when she was testing my arm and pushing my arm in different directions.

Even if I wanted to hold the arm and I would think that, yes, I’m fine and I’m going to hold the arm, the arm would just give way. I had no control over it.

Anna: With observing yourself in the muscle tests and getting to know your body reaction being weak to certain things, what did that do to your mind?

Susan: Well, I suppose, it showed up things maybe in my personality that I didn’t realise that they were there. I thought that I was coping or I was strong in different areas.

I would think positively in the day about things like that, but obviously I still wasn’t feeling those feelings.

I suppose at times I would get frustrated, angry that I wasn’t behaving the way that I wanted to be, or that I hadn’t changed my thought patterns quick enough. Sometimes I found that a bit frustrating.

Anna: So did you find that the muscle testing brought to your awareness, to your conscious mind, where your body didn’t react the way you wanted it?

Susan: Well yeah, and I found that over the years I’ve been to a lot of people for headaches and different things and no-one would ever really pinpoint exactly what it was or help me and the muscle tests were excellent for me.

I mean, it was just perfect for me, my body telling me what the real problem areas were and how to cope with that.

You know, the years—ten years I had acupuncture and homeopathy. It helped temporarily but nothing really helped for a longer time. 

I think, what I liked about this, too, is that it really worked on the emotional level. A lot of people you go to don’t work on the emotional level.

It’s just about nutrition and how you feel physically, but it doesn’t really get right into the emotions in your body and how that makes you react after years and years. For me, anyway, it’s just the best thing, that I’ve ever done to… to help me.

Anna: Do you feel the muscle test as such was a good tool to guide you to who you are, where you are at?

Susan: Well, it just showed me where the weaknesses or the problems were.

If it hadn’t have been through a muscle testing I don’t know how I could have sorted out the things. You can feel it very definitely, the muscle testing.

You can feel where there’s a weakness and where you feel strong. Without that tool I don’t know what other ways I could have pinpointed the problem areas.

Anna: So would you say through feeling your body getting weak or strong that you got a better insight now in your reality?

Susan: Yes, definitely. Because it helped me to see the areas and taught me ways of changing. Just changing my thought patterns and changing old ideas and things like that.

Anna: Are you aware of your intuition, that we have this intuitive part? Would you say the muscle testing is accessing that intuitive part or is there something else? What part of your being do you think the muscle testing is accessing?

S: Well, it’s accessing a part that I’m not conscious of. Whether it’s intuitive or not I don’t know. I don’t really know how it works, actually. I just know for me that it does work. Maybe it just opens up things in me.

Whether it’s intuitive or not I don’t know. It seems to open up something in me.

Anna: A perception? Or a focus? Or an awareness?

Susan: An awareness, definitely. An awareness of that there are a lot of things going on in your body that you are not aware of; that there are a lot of other factors involved in your well-being. It opens up that sort of thing for me anyway.

Anna: Yeah, like a doorway to look into what’s going on for you.

Susan: And I have found because I have been having muscle testing for about six years, I’ve also found now—whether you’d say it’s intuitive or not I don’t know—but I’ve found ways now that I can deal with things or I can recognise in myself sometimes that things are happening.

That I don’t have to rush off and find out what it is. That I can deal with it myself.

I’ve learned a lot of ways of dealing with things and I just put them into action myself. I can help myself a lot more. I just seem to know what the right thing to do is to help myself.

Anna: So would you say it brought you closer to your reality, opened up your awareness about reality so that you can cope with whatever is there?

Susan: Yes, definitely. It expanded my mind to be open to change, to take chances and not to be restricted by how I was brought up or by things that have happened in my life, but to explore things more and to be more courageous and do things that I love to do, and not be frightened by it.

That it doesn’t matter and that I can cope.

Anna: Coming back to the muscle testing procedure. You know, when you want to hold an arm or you want to hold a leg and you can’t. What does that do to your judgement about yourself or to your experience about yourself?

Susan: I suppose, for me, it just makes me think that I’ve still a long way to go before I am more like I want to be perhaps; that I’ve got a lot more to experience and work through.

I know and I can feel that I’m definitely getting there and there’s been big changes through the muscle tests.

Anna: How did you feel about the procedure? You said in the beginning that your heart was really racing. Do you feel it’s an invasive procedure being muscle tested? Compared to all the other procedures that we have, that practitioners have?

Susan: I suppose it’s invasive because it really deals with your subconscious, your emotions and spiritually how you feel. But I didn’t find it threatening.

I think it was just the fact that there were a lot of things in my personality that I had just shut off and that I didn’t want to look at . But for me this was a way of unlocking it and it was just great.

I just found that, for me, it was a good tool anyway. Initially it was mainly because everything related back to the past and I used to think: “Surely I’ve got over that, it’s not going to go back to the past again?” 

So sometimes I would go in there thinking to myself or hoping that it was nothing to do with the past or something like that. But it was, for a long time.

And I would know that I was going to react and that my heart was going to beat if I went back in time, that I would feel panic and maybe it was just that I didn’t want to face the reality of certain things.

But it certainly opened up my mind to a lot of other things. So, for me, it’s more invasive having an acupuncture needle poked into my body than letting go of my emotions. 

Anna: What is your opinion about the muscle test. Do you trust the results?

Susan: Well, for me, I had a lot of trust in the person that did the muscle testing on me. But there are certainly differences in the muscle response and you can really feel the difference of weak and strong.

I’ve only been muscle tested really by a couple of people. But one was a dentist who I didn’t think that he really knew what he was doing.

I had a great faith in the people that I went to, and I think that probably helped me open up myself. 

I don’t know how I would react with somebody else but I felt this person was really competent and knew what they were talking about. But also I think a lot of things came up that I intuitively knew that they were there.

I believed a lot of these things because I could feel that they were true. I felt that I had a great belief in it that it was the right thing to do.

Anna: So you had a feeling that the safe place created by the therapist was also important; that you could deal with whatever you wanted to deal with. That’s a very interesting aspect.

Susan: Yes, that was important. Well, for me it was, because it was mainly a lot of emotional-type things I needed to deal with. Sometimes, if something went wrong, I’d think: “I’ve got to go down and have a session”.

But in a way I felt that that was not so good because you would have to eventually cope with things yourself without always feeling that you’ve got to run to somebody else and let them deal with your problems. It’s very easy to do that. 

It has taken me a long time to realise that and I still will go and have sessions.

But I’ve learnt a lot about myself and how to deal with things and I believe that my thought patterns have changed a lot, too, which makes me feel a happier, healthier person. I felt safe talking about how I felt. 

And what I liked about muscle testing particularly is that you can confront these issues but then you learn how to cope with it by affirmations or changing your diet, and you can actually pinpoint things that you can do to help yourself.

That’s what I really like about it. 

I would sometimes be a bit worried about facing these issues. But then I used to think: “Well, it’s good, because it’s out in the open and now I can do something positive to change my way of thinking or to make life easier for myself.

I can do something positive. I think, doing muscle testing, it was the first time somebody had given me the tools to help myself.

You have to learn how to do things in a different way, so for me muscle testing was a wonderful way to learn that.

Anna: An education. Thank you for the interview.

By Dr Anna Rolfes

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