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Recent Health Research

Supporting kids health before conception

In an article published on the Australian ABC website a study was reported that indicated that we need to be supporting our kids health before conception via the mother's diet in order to reduce future cancer and developmental...

11 Steps to a better brain – paying attention

11 Steps to a better brain - paying attention 11 Steps to a better brain - paying attention You can be smart, well-read, creative and knowledgeable, but none of it is any use if your mind isn’t on the job. Paying attention is a complex mental...

11 steps to a better brain – the body

11 steps to a better brain for the other 10 steps Physical exercise can boost the brain as well as the physical functioning. It’s a dream come true for those who have trouble...

11 steps to a better brain – sleep

11 steps to a better brain - sleep, not sleeping is bad your brain. Planning, problem-solving, learning, concentration, working memory, alertness all...

11 steps to a better brain – memory

11 steps to a better brain - memory Mind like a sieve? Don’t worry. The difference between mere mortals and memory champs is more a matter of application and some tricks than mental...

11 steps to a better brain – Smart drugs

11 steps to a better brain - Smart drugs Does getting old have to mean worsening memory, slower reactions and fuzzy thinking? Around the age of 40, people may already admit to noticing changes in their mental...

11 Steps to a better brain – music

11 Steps to a better brain - music. Music may tune up your thinking, but you can’t just crank up the volume and expect to become a genius. The Mozart...

11 steps to a better brain – food

You are what you eat, and that includes how your brain functions, the kind of thoughts you have and the efficiency with which you think and sort...

Beware Swine flu vaccinations

Beware Swine flu vaccinations - if a million people are vaccinated, up to 10,000 people will have severe side effects while 500,000 will have some...

Introduction to organic cosmetics

Introduction to organic cosmetics and food. Organic cosmetics and food. The ingredients in our food and cosmetics are being shown to be...