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Musings About

Decompassion in the age of Trump

Trump is teaching the world about the lack of compassion, dignity, responsibility, kindness, empathy, intelligence, about the fear of strangers and those needing help, about might is right (which by definition every US President demonstrates) and we...

UFC as a sign of our times

I was driving around recently and was disturbed to see bars crowded with under 35s watching a UFC match. I instantly saw UFC as a sign of our times and a manifestation of all that is wrong in our increasingly disconnected and violent...

About musings with Susanna Freymark

Fluctuating between musings on the sexuality of wildlife, the despair of the environmentalist who understands the ecological imperative of change that is not happening fast enough, the diarist detailing her first coherent steps as a writer plus lots...

Anzac Day

It is Anzac Day again, and as usual there is so much written in defence of it as well as questions raised about the point of celebrating a slaughter on a battlefield Australians had no business being on. There is something legitimate about Anzac...

The downside of high tech

Are we creating, via the increasing role technology is playing, a society more tolerant of differences, or is technology pushing us towards a more Orwellian future? Is technology bringing us together or pushing us...

Step-Parenting And The Role Of Lineage

More and more these days families are blended and the intra family relationships are becoming more complex and it is not always easy for the step-parent to stay out of the dynamic between their partner and their...

Sometimes work conditions are too good

The quiet tap tap of the keyboard. Words fall onto the page with technological speed. In between the flow of sentences I gaze across the green fields to the ocean line stretching across the sky. It is raining and cold, a heater sits by the desk and...

Pick a name, any name

What’s in a name? It identifies you. It indicates your history. Your culture. And sometimes your fame. You know you’ve hit the height of celebrity when you are recognised by your first name only. Think Madonna. Kylie. Our Nic....

Money money money

Money money money. No money no honey, honey. Credit cards, houses, plane tickets, iPhones or simply freedom to lie in bed in the mornings rather doing a menial job to pay the rent. All related to money, a wonderful device to see where we are in our...