The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in...
Researchers have shown that children who switch their diet for just a few days to organic food from non organic food lowered the levels of pesticides in their bodies dramatically and...
In an interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! Michael Pollan states that as a rule of thumb, if a food is advertised then it is not really food, that industrial food production is much more about ‘industrial’ than the ‘food’. He goes...
Published in an article on the ABC website 5/3/2014, Low carb diet may make you unhealthy, shorten your life: study, a study of various diets and their affect on longevity show that low fat, high protein diets are not as healthy as we...
Research published in November 08 by researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institute shows how a diet rich in sugar, cholestorol and fat increases the risk of Alzheimers in mice and could do the same in...
All Coke Zero in Venezuela as of 31/10/09 was to be removed from shelves and destroyed due to concerns over the concentrations of sodium cyclamate which is used in South American countries to sweeten Zero. Sodium cyclamate has been banned as a...
People who drink a lot of coffee, such as people with access to coffee constantly being brewed in their work environment who find themselves in a stressful job, are three times as likely as those who have just one cup of instant coffee a day, Durham...
In a study reported in Lancet Neurology researchers have concluded that exercise in midlife can reduce the risk of contracting Alzheimer's in the general population by as much as 50% and for those genetically disposed to Alzheimer's by about...
Recently there have been some interesting programs about parasites on television. This has raised a lot of interest in my clinic during Live Blood Analysis sessions, as quite often we see parasites in my clients’ blood....