Introduction to healers. What do healers do? What is healing? Healing can almost be defined as being what is immeasurable in us, aligning the inner and the...
Apart from her greetings and salutations, the first sentences Sofia Diaz spoke made almost no sense. I felt uncomfortable and out of my depth. Nothing within me seemed to be receiving the message she was delivering and as I scanned my fellow...
The Dreaming Festival, held at the Queensland Folk Federation’s permanent site about an hour northeast from Brisbane, is Australia’s international Indigenous festival. Held over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend in June each year, it is a...
In order to develop as a healer it is important to realise that the ability to heal and find healing is natural and innate, and that all healing is multidimensional. Once this is grasped we can move forward more easily from a state of despair or...
Holographic Kinetics is an Aboriginal healing system based on traditional Dreamtime Healing. My teacher Steve Richards is an Aboriginal descendant who could remember all the ancient teachings of his culture when he was a child. He then spent over...
“He’s worked with abuse survivors, he knows about kundalini and he says he thinks he can help you.” It was such a relief to hear my psychologist’s words. We both felt I had been stuck for too long - body memories, energy snaking up my spine,...