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Collective Intelligence

As we explore ways to generate more effective groups, organisations, institutions, and other human systems, it may help to begin by taking a closer look at collective...

The Story Of Cap And Trade

The Story Of Cap And Trade With increasing temperatures and frequency of extreme weather events world wide, plus polar ice packs melting and all of the other doomsday climate scenarios suddenly all too close, climate change is on everyone's...

The case for a carbon tax

The media is full of terror about the potential impacts of a carbon tax, a tax that is being fought just as hard by the mining lobby as the mining tax was. 'It will put miners out of business', 'it will be a job killer', 'it will drive the energy...

Cosmic rays not causing climate change

An international group of scientists writing in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics investigated the hypothesis that a reduction in the amount of cosmic radiation hitting the earth reduces the size and number of cloud droplets, which leads...

Inconvenient Fallacies; Some Greenhouse Truths

Lots of people I know are opting to have their local council come and change all their light bulbs to compact flouro lights (CFLs) in the belief that is somehow going to reduce global warming. This is one of the fallacies of ‘An Inconvenient...

Climate Change: A Guide For The Perplexed

A firm and ever-growing body of evidence points to a clear picture: the world is warming, this warming is due to human activity increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and if emissions continue unabated the warming will too, with...

The Case For An International Carbon Tax

One of the major flaws with Kyoto accord was that it pegged nations’ allowed greenhouse emissions to that of 1990, and that we should all aim for 10-20% less by 2020. Or something similar. This is based on very poor...

Business In A Post Carbon Economy

Is business as usual compatible with a post carbon economy? When the taxpayers' bill for reducing emissions arising from business is greater than the economic benefits of such business, is it...

Wind Power Cheap?

Is renewable energy as expensive as we are told? There was an interesting chart in the Sydney Morning Herald, April 2/10 (unfortunately not on the SMH website), that showed all the wind farms so far brought on line, their cost and their output....

Why Nuclear Power is Simply a Stupid Idea

Like Lazarus, the nuclear power spectre keeps reappearing in the ‘conversation’ as the nuclear and the uranium mining industries seemingly test the resolve and resilience of the anti-nuclear lobby. Again and again in small mentions in media...